Wednesday 22 May 2013

At last night's parish Plan Steering Group meeting, amongst many other things we discussed dog-do, as often left in unpleasant places around the Parish.

People may wish to know that there is a Shropshire Council consultation going on about this. It can be viewed at: .

You may wish to have a look at this if you have concerns over this matter and make representations to Shropshire Council about any locations (for instance) where repeated dog-do is a problem for you or others you know.

The parish Council has requested a reinstatement of the 2 playgrounds (Whispering Oaks and Tedsmore Road) to be included again in Shropshire Council's list of places that it bans dogs. For instance, enclosed places where children regularly play.

There is limited time, because the consultation finishes on 10th June. If you have something to say, this would be the right time. If you have difficulty finding the web site, google (or other) Shropshire Council, do control orders and follow the leads from there.

Best of luck with that.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Steve's Report

It's our 3rd Steering Group meeting tonight (tuesday 21st May) at 7pm at the Methodist Hall.

We now have applied for funding from Shropshire Council to allow the bulk of the Parish Plan work to start moving. It's fingers crossed and hoping for an early decision so we now where we are going.

We had a very useful tour around West Felton last thursday evening and everyone recognised what a big and  geographically diverse Parish it is. Great to see the skate park at Rednal. What a wonderful facility. Anyone who has not seen it should go and have a look. It's indoor with lots of plywood ramps and jumps. Many young people were there enjoying themselves - a good viewing platform too. It's opposite the zone A industrial site for those who don't know it. Follow the straight mile towards Ellesmere from Queens Head, under the bridge, then at Rednal settlement, take a right towards the airfield and its on the left in a big, green, corrugated iron hut.

If anyone is interested in the pylons from the windfarm, (many said they were at the village hall in March), the public enquiry gets going at 10am on tuesday 4th June in Welshpool. The police are allowing a public demonstration by way of marching. This starts at 9am from Welshpool. Assemble at the Church Street car park. Banners or placards will be appreciated. There will be a few short speeches. Dispersal will be about 10am.

Any 'Power Madness' petitions need to be forwarded to County Times by 31st May. Blanks can be got from County Times (Powis).

There's a lot planned with this Parish Plan in the coming months. Stay tuned.

Steve Haworth