Wednesday 24 July 2013




The 4th Steering Group meeting was in the back room of The Punch Bowl at 7pm on Tuesday 25th June.

Steve Haworth was able to report that the application to Shropshire Council for £1500 towards the costs of the Parish Plan had been successful and was now in the Group’s account. A further application for £500 towards youth engagement had been made. We are now able to report that this too has been successful.

Later in the year, West Felton youth activity providers will be approached to take part in a scheme to provide incentives to young people to make their concerns known about West Felton and their futures here. A redeemable voucher system to provide free or subsidised activities is envisaged.

Any West Felton based, activity provider interested in being part of the scheme should contact Steve on 610126 or Pete Sturgess on 611811.

Steve had attended the 4th June demonstration in Welshpool against the mid Wales wind-farms and pylons, at which the people of West Felton were thanked for their contributions in funds and petitions. The demo marked the beginning of the public enquiry into the wind farms, which will next report in September this year.

There were reports on the continuing flow of letters about development proposals for the Parish, especially one from Shropshire’s Chief Planning Officer, via MP Owen Patterson. Further letters were drafted to MPs, Shropshire Planning and the Parish Council to remind parties of West Felton’s current position and its considerable recent efforts, which are continuing, to update them on local people’s wishes.

This is a crucial time for the Parish Plan with the various working groups beginning independent work on their specific projects. These were at different stages, depending on necessary, now adopted schedules, but some good progress had already been made.

Readers will recall that there is a group dealing with “Employers/Employees, Commerce and ICT”, with group members Matt Gibson, Heather Gibson, Peter Sturgess, Gordon McCombe, David Inns. Amongst the tasks of this group is, as far as possible to establish and record the various firms and businesses working within the Parish. This is so that their needs can be established and every effort made to assist, through Shropshire Council and potentially other sources, necessary investment to improve their future prospects here. Currently available records seem not be up to date.

Anyone wishing to let the team know about their business within the Parish, new or old, should contact to inform/update them and arrange any further consultation required, should contact Gordon McCombe by e mail at .

A reminder of the other groups:

  • Schoolchildren and Young Persons
  • Elderly & Disability Groups with Sports & Leisure clubs and Churches
  • Liaison with surrounding and Perry Parishes
  • Parking, Traffic, Highways, with Infrastructure (statutory undertakers)
  • Bridging, Planning & Building Development
  • Environment
  • Transportation issues (buses, trains, coaches, taxies, canals, airstrips etc) -
  • Publicity

Volunteers ?? - Please contact either me Steve on 610126 or Pete on 611811 to discuss or nominate the group/s you’d like to help with.

Further information via Steve Haworth – 610126