Monday 21 October 2013



These photographs give an interesting insight to how the parish has developed through the years. You may be surprised to see how much industry went on. Some features such as the garages and the Union Inn have been demolished to make way for housing and road building but you will still recognise many important features.  

If you would like to share any photographs and the stories relating to them on this blog site please feel free to e-mail We would be very interested in photographs of Sandford, Grimpo and Haughton. 

Queen's Head

 Garage 1916

Queen's Head Bakery

 Queen's Head Garage 

The baker & publican

 Toll House

Roller Mills 

 Queen's Head Hotel 1925

Queen's Head Pre Bypass

 Canal during bypass build

Union Inn (demolished)


 Rednal Station 1870 - 80

Rednal Station 

West Felton
Church & rectory

Cross Garage

    John Royale's Garage (Pre Pradoe View)

Road Widening 1980s

The Cross 

The Rectory (Now Rectory Gardens)

Fox & Hounds 1980

Punch Bowl 1985

Shop Keeper Milton Edwards 1980

 Shop 1985

Shop 2007

 Plough Cottages

Shop 1969

Thank you to Des & Colleen Hughes for providing these photographs. 

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Parish Plan Update 8



The 7th Steering Group meeting was in the Methodist Church Hall at 7pm on Tuesday 24th September.

This was the first opportunity for Gill Porter, a Development Coordinator from the Rural Communities Council (RCC) to attend a full meeting of the Steering Group. Gill has acted in an advisory capacity behind the scenes up to now, but the RCC has a significant role to play in assisting with Parish Plans, particularly on questionnaire preparation, collation and production, as well as other novel means of discovering local opinions on issues. Further support was again on hand from Corrie Davies of Shropshire Council’s Community Action Team.

Gill took time to explain some of the services that RCC could bring to the themed individual working groups and offered her experienced advice as to the progression of the many current and proposed working group activities, including any costs which might be associated for some of RCC’s support mechanisms.

Expenditure against the budget so far, remains low.

No additional significant information was available on the outline Planning application 13/01221/OUT for proposed housing and commercial units between Holyhead Rd and Tedsmore Rd. Opportunities remain for people to inform the Planning Authority of any concerns on the revised scheme via the Shropshire Council Planning website.

The Plan’s blogsite - : remains available for ongoing information about the Plan’s progress.

The Terms of reference for the working groups generally had been completed and each of the groups took time to describe and discuss their activities and how they could best be completed.
  • The Clubs and Society’s group had already commenced their questions to local leisure & social groups and were scheduling in others.
  • Considerable work had been done in identifying well over 100 local businesses and preparations were discussed for promoting the ways the Plan Group could glean information from them to assist them in their development. Some relevant flyers/posters are to be prepared, recognising that many of them will not receive ‘Round and About’.
  • Several meetings had been scheduled in for local adjacent Parishes to determine any joint working which could be of value.
  • Relevant organisations for the local environment were identified for liaison on any current or developing matters of local importance.
  • Many relevant questions had been identified for local people on matters of public and private transportation, as well as recognising local service providers.

Further information about the plan is available from Steve Haworth on 610126. We are still keen to know of any local small businesses, to help promote their work.

Parish Plan Update 7



The 6th Steering Group meeting was in the Methodist Church Hall at 7pm on Wednesday 4th September.

Two new Members to the Steering Group were introduced. Rob Meacham is a newly appointed Parish Councillor with experience in various types of legal work and Ian Norris, a volunteer with experience of the house-building industry. Both were warmly welcomed, being just in time for a big effort from the working groups to gain information for their special areas of concentration, before activities switch very much towards preparation of residents’ questionnaires in the coming months.

An additional £500 has been gained from Shropshire Council towards a youth project.

Expenditure against the budget has been limited so far, as so much of the work currently has been background preparations. It was recognised that the majority of spending would be associated with the formulation and printing costs of the future residents’ questionnaire as well as the preparation and publication of the finished Plan report, scheduled for late Spring 2014. Some however remains available for special information gathering projects.

Once again there was discussion on the outline Planning application 13/01221/OUT for housing and commercial units between Holyhead Rd and Tedsmore Rd. Opinions on the revised scheme are encouraged still to be placed on the Shropshire Council Planning website for this revised scheme, as there have been some significant differences to the previous plan for 50 houses.

Further reports and photographs will be made ready for viewing on the Plan’s blogsite - : . In particular the environment group hope to have some old photos of parts of the Parish area to remind readers of how things were here, not so long ago.

Most of the rest of the meeting was devoted to talking through the need and preparation of Terms of Reference for each of the 9 working groups. These are tricky to prepare but are helpful in the longer term by focussing work towards ensuring necessary things are considered carefully and done on time. There was much discussion on who else should be spoken to about West Felton Parish’s future in addition to its residents. For instance, local employers, clubs, societies, educators, different societal groups, transport providers, highway and utility planners etc.

There is still the opportunity for anyone wishing to make their business (small or large) known still has the opportunity through Gordon McCombe by e mail at .

For more information about the plan or the Working groups, contact Steve Haworth on 610126.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 24th September.