Monday 24 March 2014

Minutes from meeting 13 - Tuesday 11th February 2014

MEETING HELD AT:         Methodist Church Hall – West Felton
DATE/TIME       :       Tuesday 11th February 2014 – 7.30pm
PRESENT        :     Heather Gibson, Matt Gibson, Steve Haworth    
David Inns, Pat Mabe, Pauline Lovegrove, John Houghton, Chris Jones, Chris Jones (C), 

APOLOGIES    :    Judith Roberts, Gordon McCombe, Peter Sturgess, Ian Norris,
Rob Meacham, Mick Davies, Ian Walker, Corrie Davis

ITEM 1- Welcome
SH welcomed the group members.

ITEM 2 - Apologies
 Apologies from Mick Davies (holiday, Corrie Davis, Ian Walker

ITEM 3 – Minutes of Meeting 12– 21st January to be agreed - All
Minutes agreed by the group
ITEM 4 – Finance Report & submission of any receipts for payment -               PM
PM said the bank balance £1955.68 after cheque cleared

ITEM 5 – Update on Balfours Application 13/01221/OUT – SH

SH and CJ (c) spoke about the planning meeting, the council have passed this application, CJ read a letter of complaint he had put together after the meeting.  The group feel that the wishes of the resident of West Felton had not been taken into consideration.  A letter of complaint will be put together.

The group spoke about the meeting and there disappointment with the discussion made by the planning members.

ITEM 6 – Wkg Group Updates
i.            Schoolchildren and Young persons – PS, SH

SH said he has had a conversation with the Paddle club, and is hoping to work with them on the vouchers for the children.

Still be looking at a separate questionnaire for the teenagers.

ii.          Sport/Leisure Clubs/Elderly and Disability/Churches – PM, PL, PS

PM, PL said all the questionnaire are in.

iii.       Workers/employers/ICT/Commercials – HG, MG, PS, GM, DI

·         Business Questionnaires and returns
19 have been returned, around 35 can be removed. (Did not want to fill in, closed or moved).

Members of the group will be visiting Rednal.

iv.        Liaison with surrounding Parishes – IW,RM
IW to update next time.

v.           Parking/Traffic/Highways/infrastructure-SH, JH
SH, JH nothing new to add.

vi.        Bridging, Planning and Building Development – CJ, CJ (c)
Nothing new to report.

vii.      Environment – JH, IW
JH has been chasing up information TPO, JH said he would like to add the soil information to this.  SH will email him the information he has.

viii.    Transportation – GM, DI
DI nothing different.
ix.        Publicity – MD, PM
In the magazine and on the blogsite.

ITEM 7 – Household questionnaire preparation update – SH & Wkg Gps

·        Final Draft form of planning Advice to discussed and finalised (from 2 alternative versions)
The group spoke about which versions they would use for the questionnaire.

·        Trial questionnaires x 12 for distribution to spouses etc. to check validity.

SH handed out trial questionnaires to the group.

·        Printing, distribution, collection, collation, electronic version.

Ballot box will be dropped off at school and shop.

Group agreed to buy elastic bands to link together the questionnaire and magazine.

ITEM 8 – Young Persons Questionnaire update - SH  
        SH will be using questions put together by PS.
ITEM 9 – Any other Business
No other business

ITEM 10 – Date of next meeting
          Monday 10th March 2014, 7.30pm
Methodist Church Hall – West Felton