Friday 14 June 2013



The Steering Group met for the 3rd time on Tuesday 21st May at the Methodist Church Hall.

Steve Haworth and Pete Sturgess were appointed volunteer co-ordinators. Volunteers, over and above the steering-group members will be needed for short-term research projects on specific working groups during the progress of Plan. – Below are the different working groups established, with relevant Steering Group champions. If you are able to assist with any of these groups, in any capacity, then we would appreciate your help. Contact numbers are below.

The Community Led Plan grant application is completed. We await confirmation that the £1500 applied for is to be granted. We believe now that it now has, as a springboard for getting on with the community research work needed.

The public consultation results on public wishes for building development in West Felton Parish were announced. These showed 402 forms were returned. Of these, 384 (95.5%) had opted for ‘Open Countryside’, 11 (2.7%) for ‘Community Cluster’ and 7 (1.8%) for Community Hub’. This translates to about a 45% return from adults within the Parish, an excellent return and highly significant result. The results have been passed on to the Shropshire Council Planning Department for their information.
Many thanks to those who completed forms and to those who collected them.

The Blogsite is up and running. We intend to keep it updated with minutes and items of interest about the progress of the Plan.

Many steering group members had a motor-tour of the Parish the previous week to remind members what a large and diverse geography the Parish has and to help ensure nowhere or matter of relevance is omitted from the Plan. This had clearly been much enjoyed by those able to go in widening their Parish knowledge.

A good deal of data about the Parish demographics and businesses has been received from Shropshire Council, though it was clear that a lot of updating is required – a significant task to come for one or more of our working groups.

A project plan and monitoring process for the steering group is being set up, so that all the tasks identified can be recorded against a schedule for completion and a running tally kept of how each one is progressing. A project plan group met at The Punch Bowl on Tuesday 4th June. The prepared results will be confirmed at the next steering group meeting of Tuesday 25th June.

The Working Groups identified are:
  • Schoolchildren and Young Persons - Steve Haworth, Peter Sturgess, Head West Felton (Nicola Maddocks).
  • Elderly & Disability Groups with Sports & Leisure clubs and Churches - Pat Mabe, Pauline Lovegrove, Peter Sturgess
  • Employers & Employees within the Parish and ICT issues (broadband etc) including Commercial Assets - Matt Gibson, Heather Gibson, Peter Sturgess, Gordon McCombe, David Inns.
  • Liaison with surrounding and Perry Parishes - Judith Roberts, Ian Walker
  • Parking, Traffic, Highways, with Infrastructure (statutory undertakers) - Steve Haworth, John Houghton
  • Bridging, Planning & Building Development - Chris Jones and Chris Jones
  • Environment - John Houghton & Ian Walker
  • Transportation issues (buses, trains, coaches, taxies, canals, airstrips etc) - Gordon McCombe & David Inns
  • Publicity - Mick Davis, Pat Mabe

These groups’ champions, as above, will be working out individual action plans for their groups over coming weeks, to be carried over the rest of this year.

Volunteers! - Please contact either me Steve on 610126 or Pete on 611811 to discuss or nominate the group/s you’d be willing and able to help with.

Steve Haworth – 610126