Wednesday 4 September 2013

Parish Plan Update 6 - Creating Working Groups' Terms of Reference



The 5th Steering Group meeting was in the Methodist Church Hall at 7pm on Tuesday 23rd July.

The West Felton Carnival produced some good results for both the young people’s working group and the environment working group from their respective stalls. Each group showed their findings. For young people the best favoured aspect of the Parish was considered its environment, the worst feature being traffic and travel around the area.

A reminder that any West Felton based, young persons’ activity provider interested in being part of the scheme to promote their activities, through the Plan, should contact Steve on 610126 or Pete Sturgess on 611811.

There was considerable interest in the environment group’s stall which showed some old photographs of the Parish leading to many good old reminiscences – most of which are probably true! We are hoping to get these published on the blogsite in the next few weeks. This can be viewed on: .

They also found out a great deal about the things West Feltoners like to do in their leisure time as well as the things about the local environment which they want to maintain, improve or do away with. – Walking is the most favoured activity. Many people want to have controlled building development and improved cable connections for ICT. Three major nuisances were made known: - speeding traffic, dog-fouling and, the most reported, building development.

On the latter subject, most people will be aware that there is now a revised outline application for Tedsmore estate’s land north of Tedsmore Road. This can be seen on Shropshire Council’s Planning website for the 13/01221/OUT application. The new suggestion is for 35 houses and 4 commercial units. Opinions can still be placed on the website as before and would be welcomed for this adjusted scheme.

Each of the working groups reported on their progress. The business, employment, ICT and commerce group have made great progress in determining the many companies working within the Parish, but are still interested in trying to assist particularly smaller businesses to get recognition and any possible help from Shropshire Council. A reminder of the contact for anyone wishing to make their business known: - Gordon McCombe by e mail at .

These and the other groups will be establishing their plans over the next few weeks so that by late summer they can really get stuck into finding out quality information to lead to improving the quality of life in West Felton Parish

Those groups again are:

  • Schoolchildren and Young Persons
  • Elderly & Disability Groups with Sports & Leisure clubs and Churches
  • Liaison with surrounding and Perry Parishes
  • Business, Employment, Commerce and ICT
  • Parking, Traffic, Highways, with Infrastructure (statutory undertakers)
  • Bridging, Planning & Building Development
  • Environment
  • Transportation issues (buses, trains, coaches, taxies, canals, airstrips etc) -
  • Publicity

We are likely in a few weeks to need some extra legs to help with particular group work. If you might like to help, please contact either me Steve on 01691 610126 to discuss or nominate the group/s you’d like to help with.

Further information via Steve Haworth – 610126