Thursday 10 April 2014

Meeting 14 - Minutes 14 10th March 2014

MEETING HELD AT:         Methodist Church Hall – West Felton
DATE/TIME       :       Monday 10th March 2014 – 7.30pm
PRESENT        :     Heather Gibson, Steve Haworth    
David Inns, Pat Mabe, Pauline Lovegrove, John Houghton, Chris Jones, Chris Jones (C), Corrie Davis, Ian Walker, Mick Davies

APOLOGIES    :    Judith Roberts, Gordon McCombe, Peter Sturgess, Ian Norris,
Rob Meacham, Matt Gibson

ITEM 1- Welcome
SH welcomed the group members.

ITEM 2 - Apologies
 Apologies as above

ITEM 3 – Minutes of Meeting 13– 11th Feb 2014 to be agreed - All
Minutes agreed by the group
ITEM 4 – Finance Report & submission of any receipts for payment -               PM
PM said the bank balance £1940.68 less £329.46 still to come out of the bank.

ITEM 5 – Update Housing Application 13/01221/OUT; 14/00133/OUT;      14/00734/OUT – SH

SH updated the group on the applications, also on the Rednal Est there is a company who deal with waste rubble would like to extend their business, Application number 14/00647/FUL. This will create extra heavy goods vehicle route down the Rednal Mile. SH asked the group to have a look at the application.

13/01221/OUT was approved on the 11th Feb, on behalf of the group SH has submitted a complaint on behalf of the Parish Plan Steering Group.  (Group have been emailed a copy) SH read his response to the group. Group spoke about the way forward.  

14/00133/OUT this is the one by the cross there has been no decision, the Parish Council have asked for a survey to be done on the land to find out what grade it is.

14/00734/OUT housing application behind Dovaston Court waiting for a planning date.

ITEM 6 – Wkg Group Updates
i.            Schoolchildren and Young persons – PS, SH

SH has contacted Crispin Wrigley, runs the VW and the skate park, he will be bring a new activity, free fall parashooting.

The schools are happy to receive the young person’s questionnaire and there will be a page at the back to use has a voucher for £5.00 towards an activity.

ii.          Sport/Leisure Clubs/Elderly and Disability/Churches – PM, PL, PS

PM, PL said all the questionnaire are in.

iii.       Workers/employers/ICT/Commercials – HG, MG, PS, GM, DI

·         Business Questionnaires and returns
19 have been returned, would like to have at least half back.

DI would like to go and collect around Rednal Friday around 11am.

iv.        Liaison with surrounding Parishes – IW,RM
IW nothing new.

v.           Parking/Traffic/Highways/infrastructure-SH, JH
SH has spoken to Steve Pearce would has been replaced by Patrick Thomas. SH said they will be doing some improvement to the Queenshead junction onto the A5.

vi.        Bridging, Planning and Building Development – CJ, CJ (c)
Nothing new to report, covered in section 6

vii.      Environment – JH, IW
JH has a better map of the Parish; he will add TPO, places of interest, etc. If anyone would like anything added let him know. This is a digital mapping system.

viii.    Transportation – GM, DI
DI nothing different.
ix.        Publicity – MD, PM
In the magazine and on the blog site.

A notice will go in the Shropshire Star and Advertiser reminding people to fill in the questionnaire.

ITEM 7 – Household questionnaire preparation update – SH & Wkg Gps
·        Presentation of Questionnaires.
SH handed a copy of the finished questionnaire for the group to look at.

·        Delivery process for Questionnaires via “Round and About” mag.
If any of the delivery people need any help, please do.
·        Collection and collation of Questionnaires via RCC
SH has delivered a ballot box to the school or shop for collect of the completed questionnaires. PL will pick them up from these places from time to time and deliver them to CJ ( c ) who will transfer to RCC for collation.

ITEM 8 – Young Persons Questionnaire update - SH  
        SH spoke about this in section 6 i.
ITEM 9 – Any other Business
        Make sure your time sheet is up to date.

ITEM 10 – Date of next meeting
          Tuesday 15th April 2014, 7.30pm
Methodist Church Hall – West Felton