Thursday 28 November 2013


-MEETING HELD AT:    Methodist Church Hall – West Felton
DATE/TIME          :       Tuesday 12th November 2013 – 7pm
PRESENT     :     Heather Gibson, Matt Gibson, Steve Haworth    
John Houghton, Chris Jones, David Inns, Ian Walker, Chris Jones (C), Pat Mabe, Pauline Lovegrove.

APOLOGIES  :      Judith Roberts, Gordon McCombe, Peter Sturgess, Ian Norris,
                             Rob Meacham, Gill Porter (RC), Corris Davies (SC)

ITEM 1- Welcome
SH welcomed the group members.

ITEM 2 - Apologies
SH went through the apologies.  Corrie Davies sends her apologies.

ITEM 3 – Minutes of Meeting 8– 29th Oct to be agreed - All
Minutes agreed by the group. Group have the draft copy of the minutes, final copy to be email this week.

ITEM 4 – Matters Arising from Meeting 8 - All
ITEM 5 – Finance Report - PM
PM said the bank balance is £2183.38, pod money still to be billed, and the business posters/flyers.

ITEM 6 –  Wkg Group Updates
i.            Schoolchildren and Young persons – PS, SH,
Pods went well with the school children on Friday 8th November, 5 groups in total, not the under sevens. The Rural Community Council will put together the results in a series of tables.  The school have also been asking the children what they would like in the Parish, the school will carry on doing this over the next few weeks.  The school will also produce a map of the area so that the children can put label on, with items they would like to see in the Parish. Including all the good things they like.

ii.          Sport/Leisure Clubs/Elderly and Disability/Churches – PM, PL, PS
PS said all the questionnaires are now out, they have had some back, they will continue to chase the rest. 

They are waiting for some to be returned.

iii.       Workers/employers/ICT/Commercials – HG, MG, PS, GM, DI

·         Poster & Flyer – Group had a look and are happy with the Flyers, Posters. Will put up at Rednal, Post Office, and Pub.

·         Questionnaires – Group looked at the draft copy and discussed changes and ideas.  CD had suggested that we try a few out and see how it works.  Group suggested couple of changes.

SH, DI, MG, HG will have a meeting on Monday to discuss the final questionnaire.

·         Volunteers for delivery/Interviews/collection/collation -
Delivery of questionnaire last few weeks in November and early December.

Volunteers for delivering the questionnaires would like them out and back in a month.  PH may be able to help, IN hopeful, SH,DN,HG,MG will be delivering and collecting back.  Other members of the group will help if needed.

iv.        Liaison with surrounding Parishes – IW,JR
IW will be attending the Five Perry Parish meeting; IW will give a talk on the Parish Plan so far.

v.           Parking/Traffic/Highways/infrastructure-SH, JH
SH has received a letter 4th November from Steve Pearce, he is from the Environment Agency, SH had sent him a letter asking questions about Parish.  SH went through the letter and answers given.  This included HA saying they are considering improvements to Queen Head, Holyhead RD./A5 junction.

vi.        Bridging, Planning and Building Development – CJ, CJ (c)
CJ (c) working on a description on what hub, cluster, open countryside and affordable housing means in an easy to understand paragraph for the main questionnaire.

vii.      Environment – JH, IW
JH has been working on his to do list, working on the history of the Parish.

viii.    Transportation – GM, DI
DI said his questionnaire is ready if anyone wants to look, all agreed it will be incorporated in the main questionnaire.

ix.        Publicity – MD, PM
In the magazine and on the website.

Will look at putting an advertisement in the Advertiser and the Shropshire Star reference the business questionnaire.

ITEM 7 – Any Other Business
SH asked if we were still looking at a separate group to put together the main questionnaire, Group agreed.  PL, CJ (c), PM, IW, SH, JH,

ITEM 8 – Date of next meeting
          Tuesday 26th November 2013, 7.00pm

Methodist Church Hall – West Felton