Friday 21 November 2014



The 11th and 12th Steering Group meetings were held in the Methodist Church Hall at 7pm on Tuesdays 21st January and 11th February.

Two issues have dominated these meetings. Firstly, the Shropshire Council North Area Planning Committee meeting about ‘Land North of Tedsmore Road.’ We now know the result of that meeting of 11th February; an approval of the outline application for 35 houses and 4 commercial units. This was passed with 7 members for the application, one abstention and 3 against.

The second issue is that of questionnaires. Our steering group have been working to put together a total of 63 questions for the household questionnaire, which are planned to be delivered with your March ‘Round and About’ magazine. We have certainly recognised what a tricky process it is to work out the relevant questions to ask and how to ask them. We’ve had about 7 drafts and are now nearing, hopefully, completion of the task, having sent out several trial questionnaires to our steering group family members as a final check.

 Remember there will be an opportunity to win up to £50 in the prize draw, so completing and returning the questionnaires when they come to you next month will be worthwhile for your community and your pocket.

At the same time we are still working on the business questionnaire delivery and collation. These are proving difficult to schedule in for delivery and interviews by the relevant group members, with so much else going on.

We have all the questionnaires back now from our clubs and societies and thank all those who have been involved in either delivering or completing those forms. A large amount of information is beginning to come together now to see how people want our parish to develop in the future.

The other questionnaire in progress is that for our younger, secondary school aged students. We are still in the process of making contact with our local leisure-provider firms, with the aim of providing vouchers for students completing the questionnaires against activities at one of these providers. The questionnaires are to be delivered and monitored through the schools.

On other matters, the environmental group are making good progress and are working with the Parish Council and Shropshire Council to see if an electronic map can be found so that individual sites of interest can be marked and made available as an information source.

If anyone has any stories regarding loss or potential loss resulting from the potential pylon lines joining the mid Wales wind farms to Lower Frankton, then evidence about this is being collected via the following e mail address:

Details of the route can be found at .

Our Parish Plan blogsite is:- for those old photographs and ongoing information about the Plan’s progress.

Steve Haworth can be contacted about any aspects of ongoing Parish Plan work on 610126.