Friday 21 November 2014



The Parish Plan Steering Group has now had its 14th meeting.

The household questionnaires, which are delivered to you with this edition of ‘Round and About West Felton,’ were on show for the members. Each will now be folded and inserted into your magazines for delivery to every household in the parish. The questionnaires are the main focus for findings from the Parish Plan and represent the well over 100 hours of volunteer time that has gone into this process so far.

THIS IS THE OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU to have a real say in the future of this wonderful parish of ours. There are questions on housing-development, jobs, transport, infrastructure, local services and facilities, the environment, energy conservation, general parish life, what things you want protecting for the future and what you think the parish should spend future funding on.

There is also a chance for you to WIN ONE OF 3 MONEY PRIZES; £50, £30 and £20 in the random draw for returned, completed questionnaires. Details are contained within the enclosed questionnaire.

If you prefer, you and other adults in your family can complete the questionnaire on line at . If you do, please follow the instructions on line and remember to insert the code from the front of your delivered questionnaire (top right corner) into the box at the bottom of the last page, before you submit your return. This is to validate each return.

PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO COMPLETE A QUESTIONNAIRE. Your and you family’s views really do matter and can form a lasting legacy towards the future progress of our parish. You can either complete just one questionnaire on behalf of everyone who lives at your address, or each adult or young people no longer in full time education can complete one each by completing the on-line version.

The validity of the plan is increased by the more people who return their views.

We have already gained the views of children from our school and are also working with local schools and colleges to find the opinions of our 11-17 year olds. For them, there are activity vouchers being made available, via their schools/colleges for their exclusive, completed questionnaires which will pay for or subsidise a range of possible leisure activities available within West Felton, such as Paddle Club, Karting, Skateboarding, Paint-balling, Laser-quest, Sky-dive and maybe others.

In the meantime we are still collecting opinions from local businesses about how their development might be helped along.

All of the results of tour volunteers’ efforts and your opinions will be put together into a report, which, once completed, will be distributed to all parish households and made available on line.

The environmental group has been able to access a digital mapping system, through Shropshire Council, which will allow us to pinpoint and label, places of historic, social or environmental interest within West Felton Parish and make this available to view and update via a website. It is hoped to include a copy on the final Parish Plan report.

On other matters, people will be aware now that the controversial plan to develop land north of Tedsmore Road by the playing field has been approved for outline planning permission. A complaint about the way the Planning Committee’s decision was made have been lodged with Shropshire Council by the Parish Plan Steering Group. We await the result of their considerations, due on 21st March this year.

Recently, 2 other large developments have been put forward for outline planning permission. One, application, 14/00133/OUT, is for 25 houses, opposite Dovaston Court (west of Holyhead Road). The other, 14/00734/OUT is for 32 houses behind Dovaston Court, to the north and east and where the ponies currently graze.

The Group also discussed the implications of a plan to expand the building waste facilities at Rednal. This is application 14/00647/FUL, with the plan to bring in additional building waste in trucks from Oswestry and Shrewsbury along the route from Queens Head to Rednal between 7am and 6pm Mondays to Saturdays.

There is still the chance to include any evidence regarding loss or potential loss resulting from the potential pylon lines joining the proposed mid Wales wind farms to Lower Frankton, using the following e mail address:

Details of the route and a National Grid update can be found at .

Our Parish Plan blogsite is:- for those old photographs and ongoing information about the Plan’s progress.

Steve Haworth can be contacted about any aspects of ongoing Parish Plan work on 610126.